This is old version (V.5.0) of my portfolio,only part of my work is displayed here. Please go to my current portfolio HERE
Small React Boilerplate/Skeleton for SPA application
So, i decided to create a small boilerplate for React based SPA webapps - why?Mostly because there are so many tutorials that only shows the basic setup for smaller apps, but what to do when you start to grow and your app starts to have hundreds of modules/classes/reducers? How to divide it or still "keep it simple"?Coming from previous Javascript experience + Angular background i made som...
boilerplate, code, de...
Yet Another good to know
I decided to create "good to know" book on github, with some info i had to dig through a lot of documentation or stackoverflow posts to find - the purpose of it - make life easier, maybe help someone more than me.If you're interested, find it here: ...
code, dev, github, st...
Intellij No syntax highlight / no inspections
It's the kind of bugs that are really annoying, small, but time consuming, because there is always one bullshit option somewhere to switch it. This is this kind of problem. So, my highlighting disappeared, I don't know if I pressed something or what,but simply, no .js / .php / .html had proper colored syntax and no code analysis was available.The solution Actually, reall...
code, dev
Magento 1/2 – Prototype vs. Angular conflict problem
The StoryI am in process of development additional modules to Magento 1 and Magento 2.As stores, that i build the modules for, have some third party modules, that (still)rely heavily on prototype.js, i've came accross big problem, that those libs doesn't like each other very much, and if you try to initiate them both on your page, you will get a pretty error: Failed to instantiate mo...
angular, code, confli...
F.u startups!
This guy wrote one of the best "fuck you" articles i've read in a long time.Go check it out here...
Angular 2.0 final release!
Woohoo!finally - stable version of Angular 2.0, that can be used to develop serious matters.I only hope, the community wil be at the same (or higher) level like it is in Angular 1.x.x - there are a lot of people, who can help/show/resolve a lot of problems, using simply Angular :).You can see more about it here ...
angular, code, stuff,...
Json Effect – this made my day :)
You want your daily "dafuq i jest read?" situation?Read this...
code, fun, stuff
Windows 10 – transition and overall feeling.
I'm more a Windows guy, than Linux (using both, but Windows is... "my way to go" for 90% of the stuff i do), 3 weeks ago I updated all my OS'es to Windows 10 (from W7 and W8.1) and i am finally able to share what i think about newest Windows :).The InstallationThe installation process was 90% great experience. windows 10 was downloaded once, then i was able to create an install USB stick...
Being a developer – comment on a great article
There is this great article by Adrian Kosmaczewski which is describing some of the experiences he had as a developer throughout his journey.This article is something, that I consider one of the best articles I've read this month(or maybe since begginning of the year?).I would suggest to anyone who is a developer/wants to be a developer or is simply bored to read this goddamn article.So...
code, dev, stuff, web
Angular, $http post and german special characters
Recently, when writing an web application using Angular framework i had experienced a small, yet very interesting problem, which is not even correctly described on Stackoverflow (heh).The part of the problem was german special characters like: Ä É ß Ü etc.(worth mentioning, charset on HTML document was set to use UTF-8).I was sending a JSON data through POST to PHP...
angular, code, webdev